Sunday, April 26, 2009

Birds and Calves

The April heatwave is here. I know most of the country is feeling it too. We are at 85 this afternoon and the air is still. We got a few things done but we'll have to get used to the heat again. One of Mr. Reese's cows had a calf yesterday. We got to see the whole thing. I don't think I'll be able to un-see that. Be happy that I didn't post the more gruesome picture. You know, the ones that even the Discovery Channel wouldn't post.


  1. awwww. it's a calf not a foal but they're still cute! Watching the miracle of life! lol. Discovery Channel is no fun at all.

  2. AWE!!!! Such a cute calf. I still can't wait for the mini to have her baby!!!


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