Monday, May 18, 2009

Getting Close

Sundown let Lisa get close to her and Arizona today.

Heidi wanted a snack so I took her some alfalfa cubes.

I got the gate installed today. We put this fence across the front to keep the large hoofed creatures off of the cars.


  1. The fence looks good! Where did you find the gates? And good work on getting close to Sundown and Arizona. I guess they just needed a couple days to settle down.

  2. We found the gates at Tractor supply, the guy was just unloading the truck. Sundown let me walk up to her, but still wouldn't come up for dinner! She did eat out of my hand though.

  3. AWE!!! They are so cute!!! Good work getting so close to them today. AND only 3 more days until we get to see you guys!!!

  4. fence looks awesome!!! by this weekend you'll be brushing sundown again :) I don't know where you'll find a mini foal halter, but get a halter on Arizona too! what color are you going to get for her/him?


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