Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting Barn Parts

Lisa and I went over to Danville today to help Andy salvage lumber from an old barn. The farmer said it blew down when the big wind storms came through. He finally got tired of looking at it and put an ad on craigslist. He’s been offering the free used lumber for a while. He said that a lot of people called to say they were coming to get it but we were the first ones to show up. He’s going to burn the rest if no one else comes out.

DSCF2949 In the truck ready to leave for Danville.

DSCF2953 The farmer took our trailer out to the barn site. Our trucks would never have made it through the mud. We had two trucks and the trailer. We were expecting to be able to fill them all. We somewhat over-estimated our abilities at barn demolition. We got the trailer filled.

DSCF2954Lisa loaded the trailer while Andy and I threw the boards towards her. Not “at her”, towards her. She pulled some of the nails and put them in the bucket. The farmer really appreciated that she did.

DSCF2955 It was cold out, mid-30s, but the hard work helped keep us warm.

DSCF2961Andy standing on top of the remaining pile. We got quite a bit of the usable stuff. There were some huge beams that we would have liked to get but they were too heavy. 

DSCF2962 Lisa and Andy tied down the load.


  1. Very cool to reuse that lumber. What's Andy going to do with it?

  2. lwarner1155@bellsouth.netMarch 16, 2010 at 12:09 AM

    There is a barn on his new property that needs some repairs. Heather will use it for her bunnies and her horses after they move over there. The old lumber will match perfectly.


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