Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny brought us lots of eggs. Naturally we had Easter Eggs for breakfast.

100_7646 Our Easter Basket.

DSCF3014 Piper seemed interested in Ivy. We brought her out for her lunch feeding. She got to run around in the yard for a while. She’ll think she’s a sheepdog before she grows up.

DSCF3018 This is where we moved the little metal shed. It didn’t seem little when we were carrying it across the back yard. It is now the hay shed.

DSCF3020 Sheepdog, sheep.

DSCF3032 We used string to keep our rows straight this year.

DSCF3036 Lettuce on the left. Red onions on the right.

Notice that we took her little wool coat off. It has been warm and she seemed uncomfortable.

DSCF3073 The weeping cherry tree is in full bloom.DSCF3065


  1. Ivy is so cute. How did you get the little coat off? Perhaps she will learn herding from Piper and then herd her fellow sheep.

    Very nice Easter eggs -- we got some from the Easter Bunny too.

  2. I had forgotten how cute lambs could be.

  3. We actually had to cut it off under her little armpits. I guess that means she has really grown!


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