Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fence Week

We got a good section of fence wire installed today.

DSCF4054 The ground was still too dry for the auger without a little added moisture.

DSCF4056 Jersey Larry is getting nosy. He wants to be in the middle of everything.

DSCF4059 Jersey Larry was back, again.

DSCF4057 Charley Larry isn’t as tame but he’s getting there. He came down to see what was happening.

DSCF4060 With the barbed wire down the calves can use the whole ten acres. We had left the drive gate open and forgot about the garage doors being open. Jersey Larry showed up promptly and stuck his head in a bag of cracked corn.

DSCF4062 Charley Larry was out in the car area so he followed along when Lisa relocated Jersey Larry.

DSCF4064 I made a contraption to unwind the field wire with the tractor. It’s a 100 meter roll and weighs a lot. It hangs from the boom pole and worked pretty well for unrolling. We had hoped that we could use the contraption for stretching too.

DSCF4065 It didn’t stretch the wire right so we used a come-a-long and fence stretcher hooked to the truck.


  1. Wow, that fencing stuff looks like a lot of hard work!

  2. Wow! I won't even recognize the place by the time I get to come back. Lots of progress!


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