Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lagomorph Lodge

We finally had some nice weather this weekend so we got Rosie’s hutch built. Heather brought her male over to breed a week or so ago so there will be baby rabbits before long.

DSCF4334 Lisa did all of the wire work. She has the skills and patience with those little staples.

DSCF4341 Working on the framing.

DSCF4342 Paige hanging out with us in the garage.

DSCF4345 Cutting the inside door.

DSCF4347 First day of work finished.

DSCF4351 Day two. The door is installed.

DSCF4356 Andy came over to help carry the hutch outside. We used the same metal roofing as the tractor port. The rack underneath holds two plastic tubs to catch bunny poo.

DSCF4359 As with everything else we have to wait for warmer weather before we can paint it. The tubs are in place here, the extension on the left is a little shelf to set stuff on.

DSCF4360 Rosie entering her new home for the first time.

DSCF4362 She’s a New Zealand Rabbit. They are bred for their meat. We don’t plan to eat Rosie. We will, however, be eating her offspring. That makes Rosie a livestock breeder, not a pet.

DSCF4366 Rosie amongst the Rose of Sharons.


  1. Rosie will be happy bunny now! So if hte Chickens have a mansion and Rosie has a lodge, what gets a condo?

  2. Hmmm, we'll have to think about it!

  3. We have had the Sheep Shed down in the bottom pasture for a while. I think the barn where the steers eat and sleep is already the Cattle Condo.


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