Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hutch Construction Complete

We got Kate’s new home finished today. Lisa started painting because it was actually above 50 degrees for the second straight day.

DSCF4502 Kate’s hutch probably won’t stay in this location.

DSCF4503 It sticks out into the yard too far. We’ll move it after it’s painted.

DSCF4510 Lisa tending the bunny complex.

DSCF4514 Kate calmed down. She was chewing on the PT wood so Lisa sprayed it with bitter apple.

 DSCF4509 The babies have discovered the food dish. Not sure if they discovered the food but the dish is fun.


  1. I like the new bunny, looks like Son of a Gun. I also like the the hutches that look like condo's. The chickens must have spread the word.

  2. chews wood? wow, bad Kate! she only tried to chew me after being in with Aragorn, and the Alfalfa cube I tossed in the cage so I could grab her or him. Matching cages, now what will the baby cage look like?


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