Sunday, April 17, 2011

Organic Lawn Mower

We let the sheep into the yard. They do a pretty good job mowing. Louie and the cattle had to stay out.

DSCF4656 Little grass eating machines.

DSCF4659 Moe was pruning the willow tree. We need to set up some sheep barriers around the plants but the mowing concept is sound.

DSCF4661 We blocked off the front and back yards. The garden is in the back and we don’t have it contained yet. Those PVC lattice things slow the dogs down but the sheep jump right over them, think “counting sheep” and that’s what they do.

1 comment:

  1. Very "green" way to mow the lawn. How long does it take them to do the whole area they are in now? A week?


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