Friday, August 19, 2011

Cute Chick

When one of the hens went broody we let her try and hatch some eggs. We gave her four, two broke, one hatched and one rotted. Hopefully they get the hang of it. We think the chick is a barred rock cross.

DSCF5281 We shut the sheep and Louie out of the barn so we can clean it out. We put up a tarp for them to get under. They like it.

DSCF5285 Bill and Kathy bought the rest of our posts and concrete for the driveway fence.

DSCF5288 They helped put them in too.

DSCF5289 Concrete in every hole.

DSCF5292 Kathy was wearing Lisa’s stylish boots.


  1. Wow, such fantastic progress on the fence. Yea for Cathy and Bill. Congratulations on the little peep, too.

  2. Post fun eh???
    I love the little cheeping, maybe more soon then!!


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