Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wisteria Buds

I got my broken tooth fixed today. Originally the dentist thought a cap would work but the nerve became exposed so I needed a root canal. It's all better now. We haven't been able to get many projects started with all the rain. The parts for the mowers haven't come in yet but the grass is still growing. I jumped the starter on the riding mower so we could get the backyard mowed. Lisa got most of the turn around mowed before it started raining on her. I went around today with Roundup and sprayed thistles.

 The wisteria has lots of buds this year.

 The cattle tank was getting a little ripe. It had its own ecosystem going on in there.

 Lisa got it done before her hoard of followers came up. She got to work in peace. They did seem to appreciate the clean water.

 I was shoveling gravel. This is the DGA mix. I don't know what DGA stands for but it is a mixture of everything from #57 rock down to dust. It is supposed to have a high density compaction rating. I've been putting it in the driveway puddle. I brought a few hundred pounds up to bind the big #4 rock that we bedded in the mud left from the hydrant installation.

 This is the compost I've been using to enrich the exposed clay areas for grass seed. I think a few blades of grass are coming up now.


1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your tooth fixed. Aren't root canals fun?! Can't wait to see pictures of the wisteria once it's fully blooming.

    Scary Paige!


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