Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend of Spring and Winter

Saturday was in the 60's and sunny. We worked around outside most of the day since it was so nice out. Sunday morning started with rain and around 37 and it went downhill from there.

 It was Lisa's turn to dump the gravel. Andy raked it out.

  It was my turn to shovel. We picked up the gravel Friday afternoon. Saturday we dug the trench for the drain tile and spread the gravel over it.

 The drain tile is along the garage slab. We'll continue it out the back so it drains over the hill.

 Heather brought some hay over from the horse farm for Drifter.

 Sue gets herself behind the garden corral gates but has trouble finding her way back out. The snow had just started, we ended up with about three inches.


1 comment:

  1. So weird that the weather can be so different in two days.
    Hi Paige!


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