Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lowe's Dog Training

 Allen was here at Christmas. He wasn't taking any chances on Thanksgiving repeat performances.

 Heather training Willow how to be a dog.

  Tinks is learning too.

 Andy went over to Nelson's with me to get some firewood. I put together one of the racks to hold the logs waiting to be split.

 We picked up some locust wood posts the week before. They're well seasoned and some are small enough they won't need splitting.

 The fallen tree was in the back corner of Nelson's property. We took the tractor with the trailer. The truck would have had problems back there, the mud is pretty bad now.

 Stevie's mission is over. He got separated from the ewes. We should have 16 bred ewes now for spring.

 We took Jerry to Flemmingsburg today. He only took about 30 minutes to load so it wasn't too bad. We forgot to latch the cut gate and he ended up getting stuck in the front part of the trailer. He got a little banged up from the close quarters but he was calm when we unloaded him.

  Becky was here in early January. It was great seeing her again. She found the warm spot, it was cold out.



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