Saturday, June 26, 2021

Pest Control

I worked on the lumber salvage this morning when the shade was over the work area. I got all the nails out of the long 2x6s and started on the deck boards. Yesterday after work I mowed the pond pasture field with the bush hog. Today I did the front yard with the zero turn and the driveway by the gully with the push mower. When we were cooling down on the back porch the squirrels came out to eat some of the remaining cherries. These are the same ones that ate all our strawberries and have been taking a couple of bites out of each of the apples and dropping them on the ground. They made a mistake by showing themselves.

First board done. Most of the nails pulled through the deck boards and stayed in the stringers.

They had used these cement coated sinkers. They rusted and some broke off.

I marked the broken nails with crayon so I wouldn't hit them with the saw.

I'll take them down to the shed loft when I'm done.

They got to hang out with me most of the morning.

There wasn't a lot of high weeds in the pond pasture but the grass was thick.

I had the deck low for the front sheep pasture but had to raise it about three inches. You can see where I mad the first three passes with it low.

Finally had a chance to mow the driveway gully.

The 870 shoots straight. 

1 comment:

  1. Where is the evil manic laugh to go with the squirrels?


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