Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dolly and Lulu

We lost two sheep last night. Lisa noticed that Larry T wasn’t moving around and she could only see two of the girls. She went down to look and found Dolly and Lulu dead in the creek. They had been attacked by an animal. Larry T and Lucinda are both injured too. We couldn’t get our hands on Larry but we got Lucinda cleaned up and gave her a shot of antibiotics. Larry’s back leg is hurt pretty bad, we’re going to try and figure out a way to catch him so the vet can have a look.

We also got our new horse port delivered today. They showed up at 6:30 and were finished by 8:00 am.



  1. we all will help in the avenging of DOlly and Lulu! gggrrrr I growl and bit pretty good!
    we got extra ammo and everything else to fix the problem.

    and I know the early bird catches the worm, but isn't 6:30 am a bit early??I don't even think the horses were really awake then! YIKES.

  2. I am so sorry about Dolly and Lulu. I can't even image how awful that was for you (and the sheep). Make some meatballs, mixed with antifreeze for the evil beast.


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