Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rhode Island Reds

We picked up three Rhode Island Reds in Lexington yesterday. It was the same guy from whom Lisa got the New Zealand rabbit.

DSCF3291 I got a load of gravel for the tractor port the other day. It can still use a couple of more loads but it’s a little more stable now.

DSCF3294 Daniel bringing out the chickens. They are quite tame.

DSCF3296 Daniel has a cool rabbit cage system. It has automatic water and waste disposal.

DSCF3308 The chickens are staying in Ivy’s stall for now.

DSCF3300 One of them laid a nice big brown egg.

DSCF3307 I had it for lunch.

DSCF3310 Malinda and Zoe meet the chickens. They came with Davina and Mindy for a cookout. David and Loretta were here too. We had fun showing the kids around. Zoe helped me feed Ivy and the ewes. The Larrys had to stay in their containment areas.


  1. Check out my reds. They are on my facebook page. They are still babies.

  2. Wow, you guys are getting to be quite self-sufficient there. That's awesome!


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