Sunday, May 30, 2010

Finch Watcher

Lisa was cleaning the bird cages. She sets the bottomless cages on the grass while she does it. Piper found this fascinating. She sat there for a long time.


DSCF3315 Other dogs come and go but the watcher is vigilant.


DSCF3324 I finished the laying boxes. They’ll detach easily when the permanent hen house is finished.

DSCF3330 They seem to like it. We got three eggs today.

DSCF3329 The garden is coming along. I planted onion and carrot seeds today.


  1. Piper is too cute. The birdies don't seem to mind being watched that closely. Great job on the laying boxes for the chickens!

  2. I thought of you when I found this:

    When are you having a lambcede?


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