Saturday, June 5, 2010

Smooth Driveway

I borrowed Eddie’s box blade today. The driveway hasn’t been this smooth in a long time. He said I could borrow his bush hog too. I’ll go over tomorrow and get it. The pastures are getting pretty deep.

DSCF3338 The clematis is still blooming.


DSCF3333 It was cutting well but looking at these pictures, I should have let the top link out a little to level the box. Mr. Reese said I should get a hydraulic top link since I have the two remotes. Then I could adjust the box on the fly. Maybe when I get my own blade…

DSCF3341 There was a lot of material in the hump between the ruts. I was able to cut it with the blade and deposit it in the ruts. It smoothed out the washboard bumps too.

DSCF3344 Everything is parked inside now. The van is on the right, the Kia on the left in the garage. We still have a tarp on the tractor port but it works.


  1. Nice job on the driveway. Smoothing it with the tractor is a lot easier than with a 4-wheeler and piece of railroad iron.

  2. The Girls look wonderful in front of the beautiful clematis!
    Wonderful smooth driveway----good for you to get it done.

  3. Awesome picture of the girls!

  4. The Driveway was awesome!!! I love the girls in front of the clematis, very pretty combo.


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