Monday, September 6, 2010

Lamb Update

The three lambs are doing well. We banded the two boys and all the tails. They all get along with one another. The ewes don’t show a lot of love for each other’s lambs, but no injuries so far. They are all living in the stall together at night and come out to graze during the day.


DSCF3748 Andy and Allen picked up this jersey steer today. He’s a little thin but they said he hasn’t been wormed yet. We’ll get him fixed up.

DSCF3751 The boys pretending to be a herd.

DSCF3753 The girl resting. Being a lamb is tough work.

DSCF3762 The neighbor steers found Jersey interesting briefly, it is difficult to hold a steer’s attention very long.

A nap can come upon you suddenly at times.


  1. Love the pictures! The lambs are looking good. The new steer is pretty. :-D

  2. I think you should get a clicker and get them started on an agility course.


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