Sunday, July 24, 2011

It is July, but still…

It’s freakin hot out.

The bunnies were too hot behind the garage in the morning and early afternoon so we decided to build a bunny port for them. It is going to be similar to the tractor port but not as wide.

DSCF5166 This is what 100 degrees looks like in Kentucky. Beautiful, isn’t it? It eventually went a little over 100.

DSCF5163 We put up the canopy the other day because we though the bunnies were going to die.

DSCF5164 The first hole. It’s nearer the fence than the other two, the property line angles away from the back of the garage. It’s nearer to the wild rose thorn bush too. We had to dig the holes manually because the auger wouldn’t run.

DSCF5170I was removing the siding and finding the studs to get ready for the ledger board. I used the existing bunny cage for scaffold. It must be strong if it held me up. We’ve had to wait until the afternoon to work out there. The wall faces east so it’s too hot in the morning.


  1. The auger wouldn't run?? maybe it was too hot too????
    The gas didn't evaporate on ya I hope. Gas is too expensive for that!

  2. Oh, poor bunnies! Hopefully it will be cooler when we are there next month. Ha ha ha.


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