This post is about fence posts. We got holes dug for all the fence posts we had on hand plus four extra. We went to Lowes and TSC to get concrete, stretchers and the four posts to fill the extra four holes.
The four wheeler works great for moving around the posts. Can you guess where we got the idea?
The tractor was taking a break under the walnut tree. We hit rock in three of the holes. Two of them were the next two in line from where we got the auger stuck a few weeks ago. We think it was all one big rock or rock shelf. The posts are all just sitting in the holes, they aren’t set yet. After we got back from Tractor Supply we set the posts in the gully transition with the concrete. We’ll get more concrete to set the rest later.
Lisa took her mother on a tour of the property. They rode all over the Mr. Reese side.
I think I might have seen posts on a wheeler somewhere before....