Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pet Chicken

It's time for a chick and bunny update.

 Kate has four babies. Two solid black ones.

 Two spotted white and black ones.

 Kate is the proud mom.

 The other one, Fiona, has babies due next week.

 Jones likes green beans.

 One of the Rhode Island Reds.

 They look a little scruffy at this age.

 The barred rocks are getting a lot of feathers. They are all doing quite well.

 Lisa's pet chicken likes to eat the corn right out of the bin. She flies up on Lisa's shoulder and hops down to the corn bin. All the older hens are all laying again. We've had 100% egg production a couple of times this week. Good thing we have all the replacement hens!

 A couple of the Leghorns are getting stir crazy. They hop out when the lid comes off.


  1. Fiona is actually Bitsy and Jones is Goldie. But Goldie does love her green beans!

  2. Thanks for the update! What is the pet chicken's name?

  3. She doesn't have a name. She's a gold laced seabright bantam.

  4. I think she should have a name too.

  5. She can be Fiona! She looks like the bantie that Rachel used to have and called Cuppers. Maybe it's a natural thing with them?

  6. I like Fiona! Isn't that the female ogre in Shrek? :-)


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