Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ram Fights

These are the fence "plugs". I posted a picture of me cutting them from a cattle panel a few days ago.

 The bottom of the fence is high here and it's loose enough that a predator might push under.

 The ends poke down into the ground as far as we can get them.

 Lisa then wires the tops to the fence. Ally  is a curious and busy little lamb.

 Darryl brought the hens over to see what we were up to.

 Some of the gaps around the rock formations were too big for a standard plug. Plus, there is no way to poke the ends into the ground over there. We picked up loose rocks and stacked them in the gaps. Ally stuck her head through the fence for kisses.

  The other three lambs aren't as pushy as Ally. From left to right the lambs are Penny, Connie and Darcy.

 We finished by surveying the rest of the fence for gaps. I made two more plugs today.

 We're worried about Speedy again. He is acting weird toward Duane. It started a couple of weeks ago and usually only in the early evening hours. The ram has an important job to do and we don't want the llama to block him.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the plugs will keep out the predators. Maybe Speedy thinks Duane is hurting the ewes...weird llama...or maybe he's jealous that Duane is getting some action and he isn't....


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