Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring is Here!

Today is the first full day of spring. The weather is more like January than late March.

 There was very little accumulation but the snow came down pretty good at times.

 The sheep didn't mind since it wasn't real windy. They can't feel the snow through their wool.

 The cattle are finding grass now and not eating much hay.

 Snowy barnyard.

 The llamas did go out between snows.

 See the weeping cherry tree? Look below to see what it looked like on March 20, 2012.

 Lisa had to go into town. The truck is making a funny noise so the mechanic is going to have a look. We have to take Shemp into Halsey's on Monday so we don't want the truck breaking down in the mountains. Next month we'll need it to pull the trailer with Morty going to Flemingsburg.

From last year at this time:
The weeping cherry is in full bloom.
Close up of the weeping cherry blossoms.


  1. It should be warming up soon! Great pictures, but I am guessing the driveway is difficult to negotiate!
    Bill B

  2. Darn snow! That cherry tree was gorgeous.


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