Sunday, May 18, 2014

Last Day

Bess finished up the spring lambing season with a boy and a girl.

 She had hers pretty easy.

 Lisa only had to help a little with some hung up feet.

 Bess is a good mom. She is loud and pushy but she's good.

 The banty hens were picking at Darryl's legs again so they got banished. They'll be going on craigslist for a new home or in the roaster. Leo noticed the small flightless birds. The birds noticed the vicious predator too.

 The wisteria is in bloom.

 I filled the third raised planter with compost. The plants should like it.

 We'll have strawberries soon.

 Cherries too.

 The clematis has its first blooms.



  1. I've lost track, how many lambs is that? Like 20?

    Hi Paige!

  2. 22 lambs! Doubled the flock with one lambing season! Whoopie!! So many cute lambs!


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