Sunday, January 18, 2009

Skein of Geese

Cathryn arrived last night. She brought snowy weather with her. Haley is here too. She brought a U-haul trailer full of stuff. We put it up in the rafters in the garage this afternoon. Lisa made a yummy ham. I'm so sorry that none of you got to share it with us.

I turned the trailer around. It was easier to do in the daylight.

The driveway was a little snowy but it wasn't too slick. Luckily the mud is still frozen.

I went walking today and took some more pictures. It was snowing on me but it was warm. Only about 34ยบ.

They were out feeding the horses. I looked out and saw them staring at the sky. What could it be?

A flock of geese was going overhead. Bahloo had indigestion and they were giving her a belly rub.


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