Thursday, January 8, 2009

Walnut/Horse Grove

The horses have been hanging out by the walnut trees lately. It's their new favorite spot. I had to go to Lexington this afternoon. One of the new servers shipped with too much memory so I had to go pull it out. It's difficult to do that sort of thing remotely. At least now we have some spare memory on the shelf. You can send it back. You can see the vacant stare through the phone when you ask them to take it back. Oh well, it's IBM memory from an IBM server in an IBM facility that is supported by IBM.

Hanging out in the walnut grove. Lisa was on her way to town.
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  1. The horses are really liking their new walnut grove!!! LOL!!!

  2. It's always interesting to see a large company try to understand that they made a mistake in your favor and you want to "give it back". Most just simply don't understand.

  3. I love the horse pictures. Where are the doggie pictures? What about a Lenny picture?


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