Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I split three of the big logs after work today. On the first one the splitter was lifting up, which isn't unusual on these big ones, when it suddenly got through whatever was making it stick. It fell toward me and smacked me in the top of the head. Luckily it hit on the padded top of my hearing protection plus I was wearing a hat so it didn't hurt my head. It did slam my jaw closed and I chipped two teeth. I may need to start wearing a helmet.

Lisa went to Flemingsburg to pick up Nike. He was a big boy.

Some of the flats fell over. Lisa drives crazy fast.

She had the freezer all ready for him.

He fit in there nicely.

Poppy got to lick out one of the bloody flats.

This is the first one. It was the biggest one out there and was hard to get it into position. It was fighting me the whole time. The it hit back. The other two went easier. 

It seemed like the rack should have had more on it, but that's three big logs worth. They were a few inches longer than our stove can take easily so I trimmed them for the chunk bin.

Nice collection of chunks.


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