Sunday, May 16, 2021

Pond Pasture

 It was Saturday and beautiful weather so I got some work done outside. I started by cutting some branches and taking them and the ones Lisa had cut yesterday down to the burn pile. Since I was taking the dump cart down there I took some shovels with me to collect the offerings of the llamas and sheep. I got one cart full from the ram shed and three from the big sheep shed.

It was deeper than I was expecting but Lisa reminded me we had thrown a bunch of hay in there early in the winter. It was a big bale that was heavy and wound tight. They were having trouble getting it out of the cradle so we broke it up and pitched it in there. 

It will become part of next season's compost.

I feel like I do a lot of shoveling around here. 
Be happy this isn't smell-o-vision.

Lisa and the girls came home from the Sheltie meeting while I was shoveling poo. They didn't get out to help.

Poppy got to ride up front.

I was heading out to the pond pasture to mow and Lisa was giving the chickens the spoiled sour cream. They don't care that it's spoiled. Because they're chickens.
It's funny how it gets all over their faces.

I got the oil changed in the tractor and greased up the bush hog. Well, it isn't really a Bush Hog, it's a Woods pull type brush cutter. It was flailing the grass so I brought it back up to sharpen the blades. Also, I broke the manual lift crank shaft so I'll need to find a replacement.

Ruthie and Rankin brought over one of their heirloom tomatoes for us to grow. We've been sharing the compost with them so they bring us tomato plants. We had a yellow one last year too but it was a little late getting out. They had been overseas and got stuck during travel restrictions. It still produced well even though it was late planting. It had fruit at the end of September. 

What does it say? 

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