Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sheep Working Table

I designed the sheep table based on a goat milking stand. A sheep table needs gates on the sides and ramps. The head gate will catch their head and then we can work on their hooves and medicate them more easily. We hope. Today is a long post but stick around to the end.

   In my defense, it was windy out.

DSCF4724 We got the rabbit cages set up behind the garage.  I made the table for it with pressure treated lumber.

100_8616 It’s twelve feet long and two feet wide.

DSCF4727 Rosie’s babies are in the smaller one on the left. The big cage is empty.

DSCF4754 Our rabbit production area is growing.

DSCF4729 The pond dam behind us is washing away from all the rain. You can see the big canyon where the overflow pipe used to be.

DSCF4731 Louie was enjoying the nice weather.

DSCF4739 We put the Wyandottes out in the chicken coop. They were getting too big for the baby chicken cage.

DSCF4740 The neighbors have Holsteins this year, they came to see what I was doing.

 DSCF4748 I disturbed Louie’s solace.

DSCF4762 Lisa planted her cherry tree. It is a small variety that won’t get too big, but should still bear edible fruit.

DSCF4763 It has rained so much we haven’t planted anything in the big garden. We have a few things in the small garden. Onions, carrots, lettuce and cabbage.

DSCF4764 The strawberry patch is bigger this year. I didn’t mow too close to it because there is a lot of strawberry plants in the grass.

DSCF4767 Kate’s babies are looking like rabbits now.


DSCF4778 This is our new property! We bought Mr. Reece’s five acres. It goes from the close fence on the left over to the fence to the right of the round hay bales, down to the road and it shares the fence line behind our existing property. He isn’t taking the hay so we can use it to feed the cattle and sheep. It’s too old and possibly moldy to feed horses.

image1 It’s the parcel at the top.

WarnerFarm It gives us a total of fifteen acres. We already moved the cattle over there. We’ll get the minis and Heidi over this week. There is a lot of grass there.


  1. Congratulations on the new property! How awesome!!

  2. Very nice video. Love the Lulu interuptions. Nice sheep table thingy, did you have a blueprint to work from or was that your invention?

  3. My own invention. I based it on some pictures I saw of a goat milking stand.

  4. Congratulations!! I know you have been eyeing that since you first got there.


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