Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ATV Training

Lisa got to ride the four wheeler today.

IMGP4538 I gave her the basics. Forward, reverse, brake. She’ll figure out the rest with experience.

IMGP4539 I made her back it out.

IMGP4541 There she goes!

IMGP4542 I got a turn too.

IMGP4543 Marianne had a go at it. She needed a little training too.

IMGP4547 I told her to point it down the road and go.

DSCF5137 She got turned around.

IMGP4549 Barbara got to ride on the back. We told her she could try driving it. Now we need to get Anne on it. She was wearing a dress so she thought she was inappropriately attired.


  1. LOoks like are brave, Barbara!

  2. I think you should ride it! I got up to 9 miles an hour today!!!

  3. It's different than Andy's. It's a little bigger and has a different shifter.

  4. I love ATVs! A bunch of us went riding out bush in these things. Woonderful fun!

  5. It just looks so warm and beautiful there! So looking forward to next summer in the U.S.!


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