Monday, August 15, 2011

Berrymans in Kentucky

Bill and Kathy came to visit. They drove down from PA after visiting Bill’s family.

DSCF5242Bill and Kathy before getting their hands dirty.

DSCF5243Andy showed up with dirty hands so he cut the notches in the stretcher posts.

DSCF5244Bill engineering the installation of the next ten posts. He’s good at this sort of thing. It would have been nice to have him around when we were installing the other posts. I’m sure they would have lined up better.

DSCF5246Bill demonstrating the correct procedure for proper nonporous soil compaction at the base of vertical wooden post installations in temperate geological regions. 

DSCF5248Bill had a good idea for making sure the posts are aligned. It has something to do with the little yellow flag thingies. We dug the holes today. Tomorrow will set the posts and he’ll show us how the little yellow flag thingies work.

DSCF5249Andy cooling off in the shade.

1 comment:

  1. Now you have extra help! You put them right to work. The weather looks good for the rest of the fence work.
    Hi to Kathy & Bill!


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