Sunday, November 6, 2011

Riding Western

Heather let Lisa use her western saddle. It seemed to fit okay. It is heavier than Cathryn’s saddle which isn’t bad for Heidi but Lisa has to lift it up onto her back.

DSCF5656This is Heidi’s current pasture. It’s about 10 acres and has a nice big run-in shed.

DSCF5660 Lisa walking Heidi to the barn. The stallion in the pasture across the road likes Heidi.

DSCF5661 It is a pretty farm. I like the welded fence.
DSCF5663 I took a picture of the barn cat for Kathy to admire. There are two black and white ones and a grey one.

DSCF5667 The barn waiting area. I was waiting for Lisa to put the saddle things on Heidi.

DSCF5670 The bathing stall is across from the waiting area. It has ties on the wall.

DSCF5672 It gets dusty in there.


DSCF5687 Heidi knew I was there and kept coming to see me.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, barn cats! Thanks for that picture.

    Lisa, are you having fun riding Heidi?


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