Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Gate

Mr. Lee said it was okay for us to put a gate in the fence to his property. We need to get back there occasionally and before we had to go the long way around.

 We dug the holes and set the posts last week. The fence is down now, we have the corral panels up to keep the animals in.

 The gate is behind the barn next to the power pole. It will be easier for the utility workers to access it too. Abbey and Libby were keeping an eye on me in case I suddenly produced a bottle of milk.

 I set the tension wire for the gate post and the stretcher post. This is the stretcher, the gate will hang on the other side.

 It was hot and sunny.

 Meanwhile Lisa was planting some new trees. This one will be a Kwanzan Flowering Cherry.

 This one is a Red Flowering Crabapple.

 It has crabapples on it now.

 Gracie came to visit.

 Anne and Sarah showed up too, they brought Marianne and Ashley with them.

 We had pulled bunny with potato salad and coleslaw.

1 comment:

  1. You have had lots of visitors this year and we are coming soon!
    Bill said,it looks like all the projects are complete, so he want have much to do when we get there!! LOL


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