Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Piper In Need of Snowshoes

We got the car out today. We had to go into town and pick up some things so I cleared out behind the Kia and got it turned around. Once it was pointing down hill we figured we should be able to get it down to the road. I have to go to Lexington tomorrow so at least I won’t have to deal with it in the morning. The really cool thing is that it made it back up the hill when we got home. Nelson didn’t get over today with another round bale so when we got back I took two square bales down on the four wheeler for the big horses.

DSCF2944I made this rack to hold our boots. Once putting your foot in a snow filled boot is enough. It’s not a work of art but it does the trick. When it’s warm enough Lisa is going to paint it.

100_7420 The girls helped Lisa fill the horse water.

100_7422 Piper decided to go run around some.

100_7431 Piper was ready to join back in the tank filling game.

100_7433 She forgot about the drift being there.

100_7434 Poor Piper, mommy is laughing at you.

100_7435 She was stuck.

100_7436 A little coaxing got her to move.

100_7437 Yay Piper!


  1. Yea, a Piper drift picture. Too cute. I also like the boot rack, very creative!


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