Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fetching Snowballs

It is a lot of fun to chase the snowballs. Finding them in the rest of the snow is not as fun. This was last week after it snowed. It warmed up so the snow got wet enough to make snowballs. 

DSCF2898 Satin got a few snowballs but mostly they kind of explode when they hit.

DSCF2899 Piper waiting for the snowball that would never come.

DSCF2901 They wanted to keep going but my hands were frozen.


  1. In that last picture, the girls look like they are saying "Come on Dad - just one more?!? please, please, please." :-)

  2. next time it snows, you'll have to make a ton of them an dput them in the freezer to save them for later!


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