Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sheep Panels

I had the day off yesterday so we went down to Liberty, KY to get some sheep panels. Edith has a bunch of them and we asked her where she got hers since we haven’t seen them in the local farm stores. It turns out Liberty is the gate capitol of the world. They have several of these big gate companies. We went to Floyd Gate Company.

DSCF4699 They make the gates and feeders on site.

DSCF4701 They come in red or green.

DSCF4703 These are the sheep panels we bought. Eight feet long and three feet high. And the bars go all the way to the ground. The bottom bar on a cattle panel is far enough off the ground that most of the smaller sheep can squeeze under. Obviously 44 isn’t one of them.

DSCF4704 The prices were so good we picked up some gates too. A 14’ and two 10’ ones.

DSCF4708 This is the wire stretcher/unroller we got the other day. I saw it on craigslist about ten minutes after the guy had posted. He only wanted $75 for it so I called Lisa and she jumped in the truck and went to Cynthiana to pick it up. We didn’t think it would last long at that price, they’re $350 new at Tractor Supply.


64226 This is the stock photo from the manufacturer. It shows a little better how they work. We’re ready.

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