Sunday, April 3, 2011


Marianne and Anne came to visit for spring break. Marianne made pancakes for breakfast this morning.

DSCF4581 Pancakes well plated.

DSCF4582 Cujo looking for food.

DSCF4583 Rosie went to Bath county to get bred. She wasn’t into it.

DSCF4585 I got the auger hooked up and the fence posts marked.

DSCF4587 Andy came down and helped put in the test hole.

DSCF4588 It works great!

DSCF4589 The Vandivers came to dinner.

We got some bantam chicks because they are considered frequently broody. Since none of our hens want to raise babies we thought we could give the eggs to one of these. There is a drawback though. Darrell was murdered. We think a big hawk or eagle got him. One of the hens went missing at the same time. We’re looking for a new rooster.

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