Monday, March 28, 2011

Rotary Cutter

We bought a rotary brush cutter yesterday from a guy in Berea. He had a used farm equipment business and we got a pretty good deal on this. It’s a Woods Cadet 60, I think it’s an EM60 Towing Cutter. The EM60 comes in 3pt lift type and the pull type. We wanted a pull type so it would follow the contours of the pastures since we have so many contours.

DSCF4571 The guy put it on the trailer with a front end loader. I don’t have a loader so unloading was interesting.

DSCF4573 It needs paint. We’re going to paint it Ford Blue to match the tractor. I lowered the top u-joint so the shaft would be straighter. It’s too high in this picture.

DSCF4575 Grow grass, grow!

Watch the video of me unloading the mower.


  1. The video was hilarious!! Do it again!

  2. Yes the video was hilarious! YOu move quick! Needed the extra footage at the end of wiping the sweat off your brow! That was some quick work!

  3. LOL! Loved the video - I haven't thought of Benny Hill in years. That tool will sure make your life easier.


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