Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We got some things accomplished this past weekend. Nelson let us borrow his field seeding rig so we got the horse pasture seeded. The horses will be over in the old sheep pasture for 8 weeks while the seed grows. We got the garden ready for tilling. Lisa cleaned out the creek so the water would go through the fence. The hen house got cleaned out. Saturday we had planned to go to the farm equipment auction but Paige had to go to the doctor instead. She hurt her foot and was limping badly. One of her claws had an infection so they gave her some medicine.

DSCF4530 The seed rig.

DSCF4532 The seed is broadcast over the chain drag. The drag breaks up the soil and spreads out the horse poo.

100_8493 The horses in the small pasture. That’s Heidi in the sheep shed. Heidi is somewhat larger than a sheep.

100_8496 After the seeding. Notice there are no huge piles of horse poo.

DSCF4535 We started the tilling yesterday but only got two passes then the tire came off the wheel again. It wasn’t holding air so Lisa bought an inner tube and had the tire shop install it. They tried remounting it first but the air was leaking through the side walls which had dry rotted.

DSCF4536 I went back and forth about four times. The last time was fast with front spinning tines to break up the clods.

DSCF4538 Lisa was bringing over compost to add to the garden as I tilled. She had lots of help.



  1. Maybe you should let Larry help with that wheelbarrow. Then he can just poop while he is in the garden, save time.

  2. Did Heidi have to keep her head down to fit in the sheep shed?

    That's a great idea Anne!

  3. Kathy, Heidi's butt was only a few inches below the high point on the shed so she would have had to lower her head the whole time she was in there. I think her mane was bumping the ceiling.


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