Friday, March 11, 2011


I started calling the rooster Darrell so I guess that is his name. Kathy gets the credit for coming up with it. I spelled it differently than Kathy did. This is how Darrell Waltrip spells his name and he’s DW so enough said. Darrell has started crowing. He doesn’t quite have it down yet. It sounds like a teenage boy with a changing voice. Instead of “cock-a-doodle-doo” it’s more like “cock a do duh”. He’s trying though.

DSCF4465 We’re hoping to get some chicks this spring. We saw him trying to get some action from the hens so he knows what to do.

DSCF4483 He’s pretty tame. Lisa had him taking corn out of the cup. Here he is with all but one of his hens.

DSCF4469 All the snow melted from this morning and turned to mud.

DSCF4451 It snowed last night. The forecast was for a few flurries.

DSCF4456 We got about an inch.

DSCF4473 I had to make a new feed trough for the sheep. We had been using that old one from Andy’s barn but the holes in it were getting bigger and the food was falling through.

DSCF4476 We think Mr. Sandpaper tongue was digging at the holes in the old trough.

New trough in action. Louie gets his bucket first, it’s good and high so no one else can reach it. Then the boys go in the stall for their buckets. The sheep eat last. You can’t dump the bucket directly into the trough. When you hold it low they just jam their heads in it. That’s Moe climbing on the other’s backs. Usually it’s Daffy’s back.

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