Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Molly's Girl

Molly finally had her babies. As we suspected there were three lambs but unfortunately two of them died.

 The sole survivor.

 She's a cute little thing. Kathy is going to help dock her tail on Friday night.

 Intellectually Disabled Chicken managed to keep two of her chicks alive. She has started roosting in the hen house with them, so there's that. 

Ivy and her lambs were hanging out in the old bunny hut. Abby followed me out there. Remember Abby? She's growing nicely as are Ivy's lambs.

 The lamb here is Tilly's Girl's girl. I think she needs a proper name, or at least a number.


  1. Aww look at the marking on Molly's lamb! she's adorable!
    God mommy hen, kept at least 2 and she's roosting in the hen house. Maybe something clicked finally??

  2. Cool! I can't wait to see all the babies. And, you are being so politically correct when talking about that chicken.


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