Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pipe Patch

Lowe's didn't have the right size couplers to fix the drain pipe. All they had were for new systems. We got these at Humble Plumbing in Winchester.
Most of the "water" has drained out now. I'll snug up the clamps one more time then pack dirt under the pipe. I can use the box blade to push the dirt back in the hole.

The remaining ducks are still in the enclosure. The big one on the right is a drake and the other four are hens. He has started to breed them, maybe we'll get some ducklings out of them. We had duck and dumplings the other day. I like duck and dumplings.

Luna had a bath so I took a picture. Who knows how long she'll stay all clean and sparkly.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on the pipe! I was wondering about its progress.


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