Thursday, June 20, 2013

Like a Chicken, Only Smaller

The banty roosters started pestering the laying hens which annoyed Darryl. Since it is Darryl's barnyard and he is responsible for the welfare of the hens, he put in a request to have them killed. So we ate them.

 One normal size chicken usually goes in this pan.

 With stuffing and gravy!

 We each had one. The third one will be good for lunch. We gave them longer in the refrigerator this time, it made a difference. They were tender and juicy.

 We picked up the replacement metal today and I got six pieces put up. The top is "clay" and the underside is white.

 I like the 2x4 purlins much better than the 1x4s I used in the first carport. Painting the wood in advance is a lot better too.

 It was hot up there today.

 Puppy Paige.

1 comment:

  1. Those banty's look yummy! Good work on the carport.

    Hi puppy Paige! Soooo cute! Little puppy wuppy.


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