Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Cat

 Leo follows Lisa around everywhere. The rabbits are especially interesting.

 We had another ice/sleet/snow storm last night. It was well publicized but didn't turn out to be as bad as predicted. At least for us, anyway. We got about 1/4 inch of ice followed by about 4 inches of snow.

 We pulled out the built in entertainment center in the family room to make room for the wood stove. It came out fairly easily.

 Betty follows Lisa around too.

 Leo running across a snow drift to catch up.

   It was cold today but the wind died down and it turned nice out. The sun came out and it got up to around 22 degrees.


 Leo warming his feet in the cattle hay.

 Hay kitten.



  1. Leo's adorable! Hopefully Leo & Betty do their jobs so they can hang around!

  2. Way less evidence of rabbits in the yard and Jim saw Leo with a bird feather!

  3. Good kitties! So, what does the room look like without the built-in's? I bet it looks bigger.

    Hi Paige!


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