Sunday, April 11, 2021

Meet Bobby

 Bobby is this year's first bottle lamb. He's Ivy's small ram lamb. He has a small thin body and a gigantic head. It's been said that he looks like a bobble head, thus the name.

Heather and Andy came over to help clip the ewe's hooves. With their help we were able to use the sheep chair. It's much nicer than holding them. They get put in it and they're stuck there.

They are in a safe and comfortable position for working on hooves.

They don't like it much.

Ivy took some special care.

I worked on the compost pile for a while while they were doing hooves. There are only so many people who can crowd around a sheep. I made better use of my time than standing around. I try to work it when the weather cooperates. I just shovel it all from one pile into another so it gets air and stays mixed up. The tomatoes seem to like it.

After the compost I ate lunch and split some firewood. We had some left over from winter but these three full racks were empty. They now have the last part of the locust trunk from Nelson's dead fall and the branch wood and four of the trunk logs from the ice storm tree fall over in Bath county.
I filled about half of the empty rack in the foreground.

This is just some firewood.

I'll try to finish the branch wood tomorrow and start on the big logs.

Later Poppy and Luna walked down the hill with me to feed the cattle. 
The white specks on the cattle are pear blossom petals. They were hanging out under the pear tree.

Lisa's hay bale fell over. I'll go down tomorrow and figure out how to stand it back up on end. She uses it to flake off for the ewe's in the tubs.

A lot of trees are in bloom now. This is the crabapple.

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