Monday, May 25, 2009


We have gathered together today to remember all of those who have died for our freedom. As bad as things are these days we still have the greatest and strongest country in the world.

Yesterday we all went to Ruth Hunt Candy's in Mt. Sterling. It was a fun trip as usual.

You can get an idea of Arizona's size here.

The minis following Lisa to the feed bucket. Anne took a picture of the baby hoof print.

Photos courtesy of Anne.


  1. Wow, it looks like you guys had fun.
    How is dad doing at work? I haven't talked to him lately.

  2. Gosh mom I told you that I didn't like the second pic of me in the candy store!!! Why did you let Uncle Jim put it on the blog???

  3. AWWw all the pics came out great, whatcha complaining about Cuz. and gosh Arizona is tiny! somehow i kept thinking she'd be a bit taller by now, and such cute tiny little hoovies!!!

  4. Lots of company and lots of fun! Hi Mom and Dad!


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