Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Flying Lamb

We went down to Berea yesterday. It is a small college town with a large art community. If you recall, last summer we went to the Berea Art and Craft Festival. It was fun seeing all the art shops and local exhibits.

IMG_0740We saw these hand sculptures all over town. They were all decorated differently. They reminded us of the Hattiesburg Swans. I went in the tourist center and asked “what’s the story on the hands”. The curator had a well rehearsed answer. Obviously being asked the same question many times. The story is similar to the swans. There aren’t as many hands as there are swans but Berea is nowhere near the size of Hattiesburg. 


DSCF3193The real reason we went to Berea.

DSCF3190  This is a big metal toothy sculpture thing hanging on the wall in the alley next to the fudge factory.

DSCF3206 Artists are so creative. We liked the purple steps.

DSCF3201 Lisa and I saw the Glass Studio down the road and went to see.

DSCF3203 The glass was beautiful. Michelle Weston is the artist but they were having electrical issues so she wasn’t working. There is a big glass window to the left in this picture. You can view the artist at work.

IMG_0777 Dad was taking a lot of pictures of Ivy in hopes of getting one of her in mid-air.

IMG_0782 Most of the pictures of Ivy had her in mid-air.

100_7897 The robin eggs hatched.

100_7900 I cooked lamb chops on the grill. Don’t tell Ivy.

100_7903 I got two of the lateral braces on the carport.


  1. Berea looks like a really cool town to visit. So, how was the fudge? Mom told me Dad bought some. Ivy is so cute - you are too. :-) Where's your special grilling apron? One that says "Kiss the Chef"?

  2. I don't have an apron. I need one!

  3. Yes, you do need one -- maybe "Grill Master" would work.


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