Sunday, March 17, 2013

Homemade Breakfast

Lisa made sausage out of the plain ground pork we got from the pig.

 Pork and spices in their respective bowls.

 These are the spices, the quantities of which are a closely guarded secret. There is also a secret ingredient that added to the wonderful flavor.

 Spice combination rate, mixing time, pressure applied by fingers and degree of sausage squishiness are all closely guarded secrets.

 Sausage patties!

 Almost there.

  Fresh eggs from our chickens, homemade bread for toast and sausage from Nelson's farm. It couldn't be more of a country breakfast if it tried.

 It was warm yesterday so the girls got baths. Satin was hoping I had come to rescue her.

 Piper and Luna had their baths. Paige is the only one that missed out on bath day. She's big and has bigger hair so she takes longer than the others.

 I got the DVD player hooked up. Our old one broke several years ago and we never replaced it. We only have four or five DVDs and no bluerays. This has a nice FM tuner and plays CDs and has surround sound. We were watching Michael Flatley for St. Patrick's Day.

 It got cold out and rained all day. I got to wear the awesome scarf that Katie made.


  1. Was it a warm scarf??? it looks snuggly warm!

  2. What a wonderful country breakfast! Was I drooling? You betcha!
    The Girls looked wonderful and clean....good pic of Luna.
    Love, Mom


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