Monday, March 11, 2013

Relocation Project

It was time. We usually don't move them this soon but there is a lot of them this year.

 The Barred Rocks are getting big and have abundant wing feathers. The one on the right is a new Rhode Island Red, she has white wings.

 A lot of chickens for a small tub.

 Piper was enthusiastic about the move.

 This chick doesn't like a crowd. It jumped out once before after which the lid was added. Piper tried to herd it back into the clump but it wouldn't jump back in.

 All in.

 We added a piece of plywood on the side and on top to help hold the heat in. It is supposed to get cold this week again.

 I cut up some more cattle panels to block the gaps in the fence.

 We put them in spots where predators might gain entrance to the sheep pastures.

 Lisa was adding stuff to the burn pile and found this hole.

 I think it's a gopher hole. Gophers are bad when you raise hooved creatures.


  1. I love the video with all the chirping. Piper sure wanted to help.

    Were those suspenders I saw?

  2. I don't always wear suspenders, but when I do it's to keep my pants up.


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