Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Minutes Old

Samantha had two lambs this morning at dawn. Lisa was out there just as the second one was born. The first one was the black with white spots, it's a ram lamb. The second one is a ewe lamb. Both are solid looking and healthy.

Warning: These pictures were taken immediately after the lambs were born. There is a little blood and other unpleasant things associated with birth. I tried to leave out as much of the gory bits as possible.

Cannot be unseen.

Not everything on the farm is kittens and ducklings.

Last chance to turn away without seeing.

 He was about an hour old here.

 Samantha is a good mom.

 She was about 15 minutes old here.

 She'll be licked clean eventually. Mom was a little tired but still cleaning up.

See, not too bad.

 The locust trees are in full bloom so I made some panorama composites.

 I used the free tool from Microsoft to edit these. It's called Image Composite Editor (ICE). I like the way they came out. Much easier than using Photoshop.



  1. Wow, I just downloaded ICE, and while it isn't quite as nice, doesn't have all the anti-distortion stuff that photoshop does, I managed to stitch together a panorama in less than 5 minutes without reading a manual, which is a win in my book. Saved me a lot of reading on how to actually use photoshop properly.

  2. AAAWWWW They're so spotty and cute!!!

  3. Cute little lambs. Nice panorama's, I'll have to try ICE too.

    Hi Paige!


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